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#1 PHD Assistance in Hyderabad, Chennai, Kerala, Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and all over India.

We support you to write a winning research proposal for all projects

Start your journey with our efficient & extended guidance

We have assisted more than 5300 scholars to finish their doctoral degree in reputed universities.


B E S T P H D A S S I S T A N C E - G U I D A N C E

Gratify to PhD Assistance by ONDEZX

Are you lost in the ocean of completing your doctoral voyage? Be rest assured forever! We are at this juncture to lead you with the best PhD assistance! Our only motto is to deliver individual attention to all the scholars, who are pursuing or planning to pursue a PhD program through our well-arrayed PhD assistance team. We are arrayed with hand-picked research guides and experts who support the scholar in accomplishing his/her PhD program. Our PhD Assistance has a pre-eminent research council benefactor using extensive methods irrespective of domains/subjects and expertise. A full package of PhD assistance & support provides full-fledged and complete PhD Guidance in all research topics and domains. Our PhD Assistance services include PhD admission, Journal publication, Implementation, PhD research paper writing, synopsis writing, and more. Our service in PhD assistance is eccentric with ethnic values attitudes and ethical vantage points which assembles the flawless choice for clients globally. Ondezx always welcomes you to make use of our pocket-friendly and affordable services. PhD Assistance is currently in Chennai, Bengaluru. Doctoral Guidance and assistance in Kerala and Journal Publication in Hyderabad. India’s biggest admission, publication, PhD Thesis writing service, research proposal, and research paper writing are sculpted here with all your required mandates.

Fast and Easy Journal Publication Support and Update Journal list are Available for 2024

Apply Your Article in Q1, Elsevier, Springer, SCI, Scopus, Annexure, UGC Care list Publication, World Scientific, Taylor & Francis, and more...

Must-needed assistance to all Doctoral!

  • We provide 100% customer satisfaction.
  • Extended contemporary experience for attaining client requirements.
  • Quick/swift as well as normal mode based on client requirements.
  • Providing relentless ascent our 100 % result in assurance.
  • Passionate & creative organization involved and engaged in Research.
  • Consistent market presence for a decade in serving clients around the globe.
  • A young dynamic team of professionals, guides, research experts, and focused technical support.
  • Easy and on time admission.
  • Safe, Secure, and Confidential service.

Ondezx Dedication towards
PhD Assistance

Ondezx is stocked with a resourceful and multiskilled tenured battalion with an intercontinental extend in Research Assistance –Guidance, Thesis Writing Services, and Journal Publication support. We have persistently assisted more than a thousand PhD Scholars around the globe

Doctoral Assistance in globally

Our only aim is to set off the most client-oriented doctoral assistance guidance organization globally and to be the primary choice for all PhD research scholars. Our PhD assistance offers a wide variety of support to assist in the completion of a PhD

Get the finest Doctoral enlightenment from our zone-specific genius

Clients are our King, 100% Satisfaction guaranteed
On-Time Delivery
Easy Communication
Genuine Research Implementation
1005 PhD degree assurance
Fast Novelty Work
Passionate a Creative


Our mission is to provide ethical, guidance & efficient service to all Ph.D scholar’s. To deliver our services with quality at a reasonable cost.


Our vision is to be a Ph.D educational service provider that is recognized to be ethical, reliable and quality in guiding doctorate’s.

Complete PhD assistance from PhD Admission
to Convocation

Our principal aim is to enable and provide our clients with practical, One-of-a-kind, and high-tech PhD CONSULTATION SERVICE IN GLOBAL. Moreover, we attempt to give most extreme attention to giving the job honesty, secrecy, higher quality & free Plagiarism content.

Take Your Doctorate to the Next Level

We have extended rapport with numerous universities that provide the courses which make the admission process easier. Our analyst communicates their thoughts, estimations and ideas cheerfully and genuinely with our clients. We have satisfied heaps of client's requirements and preserved them fruitfully. We work round the clock to serve all our clients in any location

Get PhD Guidance Support

PhD admission

Have queries about your PhD admission? Which University is best for you? Looking for Admission assistance and Guidance? We Ondezx will help you in stepping into your Doctorate. Are you ready with all your documents and the qualifying degree? We will make it seamless for you.

PhD Topics

We assist our clients to select the topic which is original, exclusive, relevant, and matches their interests & requirement. Our professionals select a conceptual topic for your PhD study that gives scope to the comprehensive exploration.

Base Paper Selection

How to select the research base paper of your domain? It is very important to make use of relevant resources for selecting a research Base Paper. A good base paper should provide valid information about the research to which the researcher is going to commit.

PhD Assistance in Problem Implementation

Any idea how to select the research base paper of your domain? It is very important to make use of relevant sources for selecting a research Base Paper. A good base paper should provide valid information about the research in which the researcher is going to be committed

Research Paper Writing & Guidance

A research paper in PhD provides analysis based on PhD research. Writing a research paper demonstrates a strong knowledge of the topic. The important thing is choosing the research topic that will make the reader read your paper

Journal Paper Publications

Publishing your manuscript in top-tier journals is not just a simple task. The paper should be of the desired standard. There are several paid and free journals to access. Our Journal experts will give assistance and Guidance to publish your manuscript. The publication process will be made easy by Ondezx.

Thesis & Synopsis Writing Guidance and Services

Our writing experts have experience in research methodology which provides assistance and guidance in various domains. You can have direct interaction with our writer, research methodologist, Technical Specialist, Programmer, editor, Publication expert.

Plagiarism Checking Service

Plagiarism check in Research writing is to check duplicated or comparable substances in research. Research papers should have less than 12% of plagiarism. Plagiarism percentage of the paper may vary according to the standard of the journal in which it is going to be published.

  • National & International writers
  • No quality Compromised
  • All domain Experts
  • Easy Payment
  • Fast Mode Delivery
  • Any locations & City support
  • Fresh Content
  • Standard Proposal
  • Plagiarism removal
  • Formats and Requirements
  • Advice on Submission
  • Change as per Feedback
  • Timely dispatch of work

Our Best PhD Guidance


Our PhD Guidance started because PhD is the highest level of education that can be obtained, and recently many people have started to understand the value of this degree. So, this is also the hardest learning code that you can successfully complete. PhD guidance in Ondezx offers many learning opportunities. People all over the world are visiting Chennai to look for reputed universities that offer doctorate education of their choice. We support them through our PhD guidance to fulfill their dreams in the research field.

Free Tutorials

Free Support

Free Consultation

Service Guarantee

Ondezx has a well-organized work plan and professional approach with all our clients and their requirements. 100% satisfaction guaranteed in quality of writing, on-time delivery, confidentiality, and privacy


Client Requirements & University Guidelines

Our motto is to deliver a kind of service that no organization can match, all our pro-writers are well-experienced experts. Hereby we would like to proclaim that we do not compromise in terms of quality.

Confidence and Confidentiality

100% Privacy

We assure you that your Research and all personal information will be private and firmly handled only for internal persistence.

24*7 and 365 Service Assistant

360°-degree service

Our team of experts will be available round the clock on Facebook, WhatsApp, Email (24 hours and 7 days), through which clients can connect with us.

Satisfaction Assurance

Valuable Promise

Our team always ensures that clients' requirements are met as per the commitment. At any point, if you are not satisfied, we are happy to re-do the assignment for free.

Get Rid of Your Stress

Our stance is unique in delivering high-quality services for Research scholars by having the only objective to delight the client by providing them the best research journey.

We guarantee originality, perfect delivery, security and privacy, high-quality paper, unlimited revision, 24/7 facilities.

Send requirements

Let us know your requirements, we value every client and make sure your necessities are met.Let us know your requirements, we value every client and make sure your necessities are met.

Connecting to experts

As per your requirements, we will connect you with our experts in your domain.As per your requirements, we will connect you with our experts in your domain.


As soon as we select the Research topic, it will be tracked by the expert in the particular domain, and conversation is made between the scholar.

Outline preparation

As per the conversation, we will organize the outline for your research and outline grounded on your requirements.

Outline submission

We present a timely demonstration by remote desktop (through software) through which you can make necessary rectifications and changes if you like.

Client's Satisfaction

There is an extensive purvey at every juncture of the research. Our in-charge will work with you until you are fully ate Windows satisfied.

Happy Clients In Phd
With Us



PHD Admission


Paper Writing


Thesis And Synopsis



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What Our Clients Are Saying