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UGC Approved Journal

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UGC Approved Journal

The main aim of UGC in higher education, also UGC provides funds to universities to determine and maintain the ethics in institutions. UGC provides recognition to universities in India, and disbursements of funds to such recognized universities and colleges. On behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC), the National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted for determining the eligibility for Assistant Professor or Junior Research Fellowship in Indian Universities and Colleges. UGC is headed at Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg in New Delhi, UGC also has two additional bureaus operating from 35, Feroze Shah Road, and one in UGC campus is at South Campus of University of Delhi as well. We will publish UGC journal publications for Computer science, and more.

For Universities
  • Revised Guidelines for Centre
  • Joint Appointment of Faculty
  • Internal Quality Assurance
  • Special Assistance Programmed
UGC-approved journal support for universities | Ondezx
UGC-approved research publication services | Ondezx
For Research
  • Guidelines for the Special Scheme of Faculty Development programmer
  • Guidelines for Organizing Conferences/Workshop/Seminars/Symposia in College
  • Travel Grant
  • Minor Research Projects
  • Revised instructions for Academics in Universities and Colleges
  • Revised instructions for the initial orientation for UG
  • Guidelines for Curricular Aspects, Assessment Criteria, and Credit System
  • Courses under National Skills Qualification Framework
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UGC Approved Journal

UGC Approved journal list consists of a list of journals in which budding candidates publish their articles about their research. These Lists are made available because of the UGC. No other journal is valid if the aspirants choose any private journal except for UGC-approved journals. As of now, the UGC Approved Journals list have now been replaced by UGC – CARE

  • Prepare paper based on unique content
  • Submit paper online
  • Download the Copyright form and pay the charges
  • Submit the Necessary Documents.
  • After receiving this paper will be published within 3 to 4 Days

  • Higher Education in India
  • UGC Newsletters
  • Golden Jubilee Lectures
UGC-approved journal publication | Ondezx

Quick and Seamless UGC accepted
Journals in 2024

Initially, only a few journals are included as UGC, Scopus, Web of Science, and Indian Citation Index. This extended to comprise recommendations from the educational society. The UGC web portal opened two times a year for universities in 2024.

UGC approved journal list 2024 - 25

The UGC-approved journal list contains 38,652 journals that are mainly cited in Scopus, Web of Science, and ABDC list. UGC-approved journals almost cover all the domains like mathematics, Computer science, management, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and more. Abstracting services of Journals are also added to the UGC-approved Journals list of 2024. UGC has free/paid journals for 2024. UGC promotes all domains with the proper publication guidelines offered by the journal committee.

UGC approved Journal list varies from year to year

UGC-approved Journal list varies from year to year. UGC-approved journal words should be replaced now with “UGC Care Journals” in 2019. The UGC has received complaints about the inclusion of poor-quality or questionable journals. Taking into account these charges, the body has re-evaluated each and every journal title suggested by universities. About 4305 journals are removed from the current UGC-Approved List of Journals because of poor quality, incorrect, insufficient information, false claims.

UGC approved journal publication in India

Journals are the medium through which candidates can publish their articles about their research. These were made available because of the UGC. UGC aims to eradicate plagiarized papers that damage the standards of international research. If any undeserved journals are found they can be rejected.

UGC approved International Journal Publication

The UGC-approved journal list contains 38,652 journals that are mainly cited in Scopus, Web of Science, and ABDC list. UGC-approved journals almost cover all the domains like mathematics, Computer science, management, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and more. Abstracting services of Journals are also added to the UGC-approved Journals list of 2024. UGC has free/paid journals for 2024. UGC promotes all domains with the proper publication guidelines offered by the journal committee.

How Ondezx will guide you in the
UGC Journal Publication

Our journal paper assistance team helps you in developing a manuscript that can be submitted to reputed journals. We can help with conference papers, research papers, and technical journal papers. Candidates mostly prefer open-access journals for journal paper publication as it provides unique DOI and also the copyright remains that of the author. Our Journal paper assistance team helps you to identify the best journals, submit the manuscript there, and follow up on the publication. To publish IEEE journals, SCI Indexed, Scopus Indexed, ABDC Indexed Journals, and other high-impact factor journal publications, contact our journal assistance team.

UGC care list

Fast track publication is available

University Grants Commission has established the Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) for the creation and maintenance of a List of Quality Journals. CARE members are Statutory Councils, Academies, Government bodies, and the Association of Indian Universities. The UGC-CARE List has quality research journals from all disciplines and is divided into two groups. Group I Journals are found qualified through UGC-CARE Protocol. Group II Journals indexed in globally recognized databases.

UGC prices

For publication of Journals in UGC-Rs 25000/- (This may vary depending upon the domain) For Paper Writing and Publications- Rs 50000/- (This may vary depending upon the domain

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Journal publication

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