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Paper Preparation Guidelines

PhD Paper Preparation Guidlines Step- 1 ELSEVIER

One of the main journal paper publishing Industries was Elsevier, it was founded in the year of 1880 and its head office was Amsterdam, Netherlands. They give data identified with research papers in legal, technical, medical fields to numerous scientists, students, and researchers. This paper takes huge published articles annually in 2,500 journals. They will probably extend the information limits. The time period required for publishing is 90-150 days.

PhD Paper Preparation Guidlines Step- 2 IEEE

While publishing journals it matters where you are. IEEE, a source for researchers in academia, industry, and government. High-quality research is obtained by publishing with IEEE. Leading journals, transactions, letters, and magazines in electrical engineering, computing, biotechnology, telecommunications, power and energy, and dozens of other technologies can be published in IEEE

PhD Paper Preparation Guidlines Step- 3 SSCI

SSCI means Social Science Citation Index. More than 3000 Journals across 57 disciplines in social sciences. Journals are indexed by SCI and SSCI, described as the world's leading journals. This allows searching for articles by subject, author, and journal we can get ideas, innovation, or creative work with the help of Cited reference searching

PhD Paper Preparation Guidlines Step- 4 Taylor & Francis

Easy to browse the needed data. Research papers from the world's best thinkers are obtained here. These are published under the Routledge, Taylor & Francis, F1000 Research, Dove Press, and Cogent OA brands. The area of study in Arts, Behavioral Science, Bioscience, Built Environment, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Earth Science. This is a single-destination platform. This is built on user feedback to access content, report, and analysis

PhD Paper Preparation Guidlines Step- 5 Wiley Blackwell

Wiley is a leading society publisher, over 8 million Articles from 1600 journals are available. Mostly published by International Scholars and professional Societies. The frequently covered titles are a full spectrum of life, Health, and Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. About 27 Wiley journals received top category rank. Wiley has longterm sustainability. The time from submission to publication is about 60 days for Full Articles.

PhD Paper Preparation Guidlines Step- 6 InderScience publisher

An academic publisher based in Geneva, Switzerland which publishes 428 peer-reviewed journals. The fields of engineering and technology, Science. management, public and business administration; environment, ecological economics, and sustainable development; computing, ICT, and internet/web services are concentrated here. The papers submitted are double-blind refereed. Conference papers can also be submitted for publication there is no existing copyrights issue