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PhD Scholarship

As we know, PhD is the highest academic achievement in a field and owing to their high level of expertise in their chosen field. PhD holders earn the right to be referred as a doctor.

To obtain a PhD degree, it requires many years of hard work, dedication and years of college tuition. Without adequate financial support, it would be burdensome for academics to pursue PhD. But, there are many scholarships for PhD available for students and applicants in India.

National Scholarship Schemes
SI.NO Scholarship Name Provider Name Application Timeline
1. Google PhD Fellowship India Google Between March and April
2. SAARC Agricultural PhD ScholarshipsSAARC Agricultural Centre (SAC) Between March and April SAARC Agricultural Centre (SAC) Between March and April
3. ESSO-NCESS Junior Research Fellowship ESSO – National Centre for Earth Science studies Always Open
4. Burning Questions Fellowship Awards Tiny Beam Fund Between May and June
5. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Scholarships Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Between March and May
6. Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) MHRD, Government of India Between March and April
7. Vision India Foundation (VIF) Fellowship Vision India Foundation (VIF) Between December and January
8. Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child Scholarship for Research in Social Science UGC Between November and January
9. ICHR Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) Between November and December
10. FITM Forum on Indian Traditional Medicine (FITM) and Ministry of AYUSH Between November and December

Admission Updates For 2024

Christ university


Annamalai University


NI university


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Google PhD Fellowship India


What are the benefits ?

Google will offer the selected candidates a fellowship of USD 50,000 for a duration of 4 years.

Google will offer the selected candidates a fellowship of USD 50,000 for a duration of 4 years.

What are the benefits ?

PMRF will offer selected candidates a fellowship of INR 80000 for 5 years.

ICHR Junior Research Fellowships (JRF),

What are the benefits ?

The selected fellows will receive of INR 17,600 per month for 2 years. They will get a possibility award of INR 16,500 for every annum for a long time

POST-DOC Fellowship


A postdoctoral analyst or postdoc is an individual expertly directing examination after the fulfillment of their doctoral investigations. A definitive objective of a postdoctoral examination position is to seek after extra exploration, preparing, or educating so as to have better abilities to seek after a profession in the scholarly world, research, Postdoctoral examination is frequently viewed as basic while propelling the insightful strategic the host foundation; it is required to deliver pertinent distributions in peer-surveyed scholarly diaries or meetings. In certain nations, postdoctoral research may prompt further conventional capabilities or certification, while in different nations it doesn't



The Post Doctoral Fellowships are accessible in Anna University means to upgrade the examination and advancement eco arrangement of Anna University by pulling in youthful incredibly skilled researchers and architects with assorted foundations to take a shot at testing and boondocks zones. It gives a stage to the advancement of future science and innovation pioneers.



PhD with first class in the preceding degrees and good academic record throughout are invited to apply within 3 years after completion of their PhD

At the time of joining, the candidate should submit provisional / Degree certificates of their PhD and other qualifications.

Candidates should preferably be less than 32 years of age at the time of applying.

The selection will be done once / twice a year, as appropriate



The span of the association will be at first for a time of 2 years, sustainable to the third year dependent on acceptable execution of the PDF holder. While joining as CIR PDF researcher, the PDF holder needs to give joining report to. Place for International Relations through the concerned Head of the Department/Center. On finishing of PDF residency, the up-and-comer will present a thorough report to the Center for International Relations through the Head of the Department.


The PDFs are eligible for the following
The PDFs are eligible for the following
Rs. 45,000/- Gross per month
HRA 10,000/-
Contingency Grant / Travel
Rs. 1 Lakh per annum
20 days per year (pro-rate)

Progress Report & Performance Appraisal

The performance of the Post-Doctoral Fellow will be assessed by a Performance Evaluation Committee (PEC). The PEC will meet every six months to assess the performance of the Post-Doctoral Fellow. The candidate should present a progress report to PEC detailing the research work carried out and research findings supported by publications, patents, technology transfer agreements, commercialisation of product, as appropriate



If the Post-Doctoral Fellow wishes to leave the programme before the end of the¬ tenure, he/she can do so with prior approval of the PEC giving two month notice. The fellowship may be terminated by the University if the performance/direct of the individual is unacceptable in the wake of giving two-month notice to the Post-Doctoral Fellow.