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SCI indexed journal

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SCI-indexed journal

SCI indexed journal

The SCI-indexed journal stands for Science Citation Index. SCI is a multidisciplinary citation index. Science Citation Index covers 9,000+ journals across 177 scientific disciplines. SCI was established in 1900 to the current. SCI-indexed journals are indexed by SCI and SSCI.SCI is described as the world's leading journal. SCI is when a journal has a high impact factor, it means that are cited and here are some SCI-indexed journals list 2024 SCI: Science Citation Index, SCIE: Science Citation Index Extended, SSCI: Social Science Citation Index, A&HCI: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, EI: Engineering Index or Compendex (Elsevier). Ondezx currently publishes 363 peer-reviewed journal papers and is constantly expanding its portfolio, especially in SCI-indexed journals. Fill out this form to submit proposals for publishing, including moving existing journals, launching new titles, or converting subscribed journals to Open Access.

SCIE indexed Journal

Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) covers 8,500 significant journals, in 150 disciplines, from 1900 to current. SCIE is also described as the world's leading journal of science and technology. SCIE selects journals through a strict selection process. The selection process for journals of SCI and SCIE is identical.

Difference between Sci and Scie Journal Publication

The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a subset of the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), containing journals that rank competitive in highly-cited core journals. Both SCI and SCIE listed journals are available online, but only SCI journals are available in CD/DVD format. Every science is covered in the SCIE and only those journals of relatively significantly higher citation impact are selected for the SCIE.

Get Quick Sci Journal Publication support

Scientific writing is translated into a publishable manuscript. We guide you in academic, scientific, medical, engineering publications. We have a team of 100+ professionals in Science and Technology, Management, Arts to provide end-to-end support. We help to publish in peer-reviewed journals, and get acceptance within a limited duration. The content of your paper will meet the needs as per the journal standards.

SCI-indexed Journals

SCI consists of National and International Journals. SCI also contains reputed and non- reputed journal papers. Journals with low impact factors and also with high impact factors can be found in SCI journals. More than 1 lakh publishers can be found in SCI. SCI includes journals of Springer, Elsevier, UGC care list

SCI journal publication Assistance & Guidance

We aimed at guiding research scholars throughout the academic research. We are a team of experienced PhD consultants, technical, and editors engaged in deriving the strategies and ideas for PhD candidates to provide solutions to problems which scholars face. We make sure that your publication problems for the PhD degree are no more with us

Types of Sci Publication

National journals

A national journal is started by a national institution or National Society. When the subject of study is relevant to a specific country then it is a National or Inland publication

International journals

International journal publication is when the subject under study has been discussed from an international perspective. International journals make use of modern tools. Utilize computerized software/applications for better word choice and sentence. Seek feedback from language teachers

SCI journal impact factor

The impact factor is based on the annual average number of citations. The impact factor is the number of citations, the articles published in that journal during the last two preceding years. The higher the impact factor, the higher the rank of a journal.

Best Journal paper writing help for SCI and SCIE:

We prepare the figures and tables according to your research and Write the Methods and results for it. Results and Discussion before writing are finalized before writing the introduction. The conclusion is clearly written. We provide you with help in manuscript writing, plagiarism check, editing, and proofreading, Appropriate Journals for publishing your paper.

Planning to write and publish a paper in an SCI-indexed journal:

Many of the researchers are confused about publishing their prepared manuscript, in which journal we have to publish, how to write your paper up to the journal standard. We helped more than thousands of research scholars to publish their manuscripts. er up to the journal standard. We helped more than thousands of research scholars to publish their manuscripts.

How to publish a paper in an
SCI-indexed journal

Choose a journal
Check for online services
Check the guidelines for manuscript preparation
Fill the copyright transfer agreement form
Prepare manuscript
Submit the paper
Wait for acceptance

Research paper writing help for
SCI-indexed journal

You won't publish your journal unless you are willing to spend your precious time in the library, reading a paper or Google, writing, messing around, looking for quality magazines (free diaries), and, if possible, trying to publish. After many trials and tribulations, you have realized that you need help. So, the research work has to be perfect. You’ve always dreamed of publishing it on SCI.

Support/Assistance at +91 9791191199 at 9:30 am to 10:00 pm

Your work must meet the scientific standards for publishing in SCI-indexed journals. Our team expert oversees all SCI database management. They help you write research papers and publish new ones in a go-with format for free and paid related to your project. To meet your paper requirements, we will ensure that the paper works at the standards required to copy the SCI Corporation Index. We use this service to provide professional searches, document information, and instant backup services. Our services cover all domains and departments.

Click domain name (Area of Research) here: Domain or Area of Research

Why do you have to choose Ondezx to publish your paper?

It is important to publish in a journal referenced in a database, such as the SCI-indexed journal and. SCIE indexed journal Modern scientists have access to their literature via the Internet. So, make a list of online educational databases to succeed. As mentioned above, the referenced database supports the overall quality of the scientific data.

It provides researchers with a comprehensive overview of scientific ideas to put into practice the ideas of others and see how they develop. We will guide you in each step because ONDEZX also publishes a number of open lectures in all fields of research. If you are organizing an academic conference and you are interested in this service.

Research paper writing help for SCI-indexed journal

Your work must meet the scientific standards for publishing in SCI-indexed journals. Our team expert oversees all SCI database management. They help you write research papers and publish new ones in a go-with format for free and paid related to your project. To meet your paper requirements, we will ensure that the paper works at the standards required to copy the SCI Corporation Index. We use this service to provide professional searches, document information, and instant backup services. Our services cover all domains and departments.


SCIE Journal Meaning

The Full form of SCIE is Science Citation Index Expanded, It's available online. Both SCI and SCIE are the same.

How do you help in SCI Journal?

When Share your Domain Name we will give you a journal list and time to deliver. Mainly Publication time also our team is well qualified in the Journal Publication.

How many days to finish the SCI Journal index?

120 to 150 days for writing its takes around 2 to 3 months for publication in SCI Journal Index.

Journal publication

Within 24 hours you will receive all the information about the journal process by e-mail. If the prices it is valuable for your journal, then, please

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