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Real Time Implementation-Civil

Are you one in the civil department? Searching for Implementation support for your PhD project? You are in the right place. We Ondezx have worked on many projects in the civil department in Concrete Technology. We do real-time projects in this field. Our experts are experienced and professional in various fields. We support the scholars starting from the testing to explaining the whole project till the submission process. Our only goal is client satisfaction. We are pocket friendly at the same time without compromising the quality of the work. Have a look at the brief description of the concrete technology.

Concrete is a composite with properties that change with time. During service, the quality of concrete provided by initial curing can be improved by subsequent wetting as in the cases of foundations or water retaining structures. However, concrete can also deteriorate with time due to physical and chemical attacks. Structures are often removed when they become unsafe or uneconomical. Lack of durability has become a major concern in construction for the past 20 to 30 years. Concrete is the most commonly used man-made material on earth. It is an important construction material used extensively in buildings, bridges, roads, and dams. Its uses range from structural applications to kerbs, pipes, and drains. Many structural elements like footings, columns, beams, chajjas, lintels, and roofs are made with R.C.C.Cement concrete is used for making storage structures like water tanks, bins, silos, bunkers, etc.



Light Weight concrete

Self Composting concrete

Geopolymer concrete

Fibre Reinforced concrete

High Strength concrete

High-Performance concrete

Hybrid Fibre-Reinforced concrete

Start Your Civil Engineering Journey!

Testing and Design

  • Test on Cement and Binder
  • Test on Mineral admixture
  • Test on Aggregates
  • Test on Reinforcement
  • Flexural Beam -Testing
  • Compression -Testing
  • Concrete Shear Testing
  • Bricks, and Block Testing
  • Non Destructive testing
  • Chemical Test
  • Rapid Chloride Penetration test
  • Acid and Alkaline Test
  • Sorptivity Test
  • Ultrasonic pulse velocity Test
  • Concrete mix design - Cement and Mineral admixture
  • Concrete mix design - Geopolymer
  • Concrete mix design - Self-compacting concrete
  • Flexural Beam design - Reinforced Beam
  • Column, Slab, Footing, Tank,
    Staircase design
  • Reinforced Flexural beam Analysis Calculation
The best real-time implementation of PhD projects is done with the help of a highly qualified professional at an affordable price. After the implementation, we provide you the complete assistance from the technician efficiently and effectively. Contact for the best real-time implementation support.