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Anna University Annexure Journal

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Anna University Annexure Journal

Anna University Annexure 1 Journal is a highly indexing Journal. Anna University Annexure Journals provides enormous journals in many fields. Anna University Annexure 1 journal publications have both free and paid annexure publications. Publishing a paper in Anna university's annexure publication is not that easy. The paper quality of the research article should be of high standards. Updated Anna University Annexure 1 journal features have more than 1000 open access, paid, journals from several publishers. Anna university annexure1 journal publications for Computer science, and more.

Our paper will be like novelty, Scope should be matching to the journal and Plagiarism must be below 8 it was accepted as good Anna university annexure journal 1 by the university guidelines

Anna University Annexure 1 journal List & Anna
University Annexure 2 journal List

Anna University Annexure 1 journal list includes the fields of Urban Engineering Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering, Computer-Aided Structural Engineering, Computer Methods and Applications in Structural, Infrastructure Engineering, Construction Engineering, Construction Engineering, and Management, Advanced Construction Technology, Geoinformatics, Geomatics, Remote Sensing. Anna University Annexure 2 journal list is the largest abstract and citation database with smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Contextual citation is measured by Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) based on the total number of citations in the subject field. SCI Journal Rank (SJR) is based on the idea that all citations are not equal

Dissertation topics

Thesis writing for Anna university

Annexure paper writing

Journal must match the scope of the paper

Paper Should be unique

Plagiarism below 10%

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Anna University Annexure Journal Support | Ondezx

For More

Anna University Annexure 1 journal Publication support

Anna university annexure 1 publication has lots of free and paid annexure publications. Paper quality must be important for publishing research articles in Annexure 1 journal list. Plagiarism should be less. The acceptance rate is mostly less than 50 percent. Our experts will help you in the publication process and will write your paper up to the journal standard. Many of the research Scholars wish to publish their papers in Anna University Annexure but have no idea how to write a paper on that standard. We have a group of writers who are experts in writing papers up to journals standards

List of Fast Accepting

The Journals that offer rapid publications are Journal of the American Heart Association, The Journal of the American Medical Association, Biological Psychiatry, Gastroenterology, BMC Biochemistry, FEBS Open Bio, Applied Physics Express, and Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Anna university journal list
of 2024-2025

Our group of journal experts assists the PhD scholars in all their ideas and suggestions. We provide writings that reflect your understanding of the subject. All queries about the writings are solved in an interactive manner and we enhance the quality of your thesis. Our services are customized to suit the requirements of all scholars. The writings will be of Anna University annexure standards with low impact factors and fewer acceptance issues.

Annexure Paper Writing service

Waiting to write a paper and publish it in annexure? Ondezx will guide you throughout the whole process. We clearly know the problems faced by the research scholars during writing. Take a break; we are here to guide you in all writings for PhD We extend our services all over India and also internationally. We guide you with all the needed assistance in thesis writing, Annexure writing, etc.

Thesis Writing for Anna University

The thesis writing format for Anna University is, three copies should be submitted to the Department, the size of the report should not be less than 25 pages for phase I and 40 pages for phase II thesis, The thesis should be as 1. Cover Page & Title page 2. Bonafide Certificate 3. Abstract (Tamil and English) 4. Acknowledgment 5. Table of Contents 6. List of Tables 7. List of Figures 8. List of Symbols, Abbreviations, and Nomenclatures 9. Chapter 10. Appendices 11. References. Cover Page & Title Page, Bonafide Certificate is to be attached. Conclusions and Scope for future work Appendices, References.

Research paper writing help for
annexure journal

Journal Publication Support | Ondezx

Every researcher has a dream of publishing a research paper in a high-tier journal to prove the research to the readers. Peer-reviewed journals are the best aim for publication. The selection of journals related to the area of study is the main task. Choosing a proper journal brings more eyes to the writing. We make easy decisions making about the choice of journal. Our experts offer assistance in a wide range from searching the journals in the relevant fields to drafting the paper as per the requirements and successful submission of the manuscript. We also improve the rejected papers to make them get approved

Do not be afraid! We provide best-class services. Our technical staff is the best author you can get in this country state-wise; They help you explore the process more easily and provide free discussion our experts guide you throughout this process by quality checking, paper polishing (plagiarism correction), fast publication services, topic selection and finalization, research paper explanation, and help you with research paper writing. The. Accepting our services allows you to cross the finish line quickly and receive additional knowledge/assistance from professionals. We provide research support services to all areas and workplaces in all domains.

Before applying to annexure journals

  • Before Applying to Annexure journals, one should find a suitable journal for the research area with relevant keyword
  • Before submitting the manuscript verify the types of articles accepted by the journal and verify the journal procedures
  • Get a view of the journal from senior scholars. Analysis journal’s Impact Factor (IF), verify the frequency of the publication
  • Analyze the published articles

Get List Now

Type Of journal : Paid Free

Type Of issue : Special Regular

Domain Area

Artificial Intelligence

Software Engineering


Mobile Computing

Embedded System

Power system

Information technology

Cloud Computing

Image Processing

Grid Computing

Medical Image Processing


Signal processing

Pattern Recognition

Marketing Management

Human Resource Management

Information System Management

Data Mining

Web Mining


Banking of Finance

Wireless Sensor Network

Security and Privacy

Soft computing

Bio Medical Engineering

Internal Business

Operation Management

Digital Signal Processing


Communication System

How Ondezx deliver the work for you with
100% satisfaction?

We have experienced Journal experts who make your paper with 100% novelty, with no plagiarism, and will write your paper up to the desired standard. No, wait for your writings and on-time submission of your paper. We work on the ideas and make your paper based on your ideas and methodology. Journals are classified based on the Impact Factors, created by Thomson Reuters; the researchers can choose journals having a higher value which can enhance the worth of their paper

How it works?

update your domain
Guide slot
Choose the standard of writing
Interact with our experts
Select Annexure /National or International Journals
Submit your manuscripts Publications
Degree in your hand

Professional paper editing
service offers

Our paper formatting services provide publication-ready papers in your chosen journal’s specifications. We make changes in file type, resolution, color space, fonts, and layout to improve professional appearance. The manuscript will be in the standards of the particular journal needs. Revising the paper title, abstract, the main text can be changed by our experts. An unlimited number of questions about the formatting of your paper can be asked to our expert

PhD Degree | Ondezx
Professional paper editing service offers - Step 1 | OndezxPersonalized writing advice

Book a 1-to-1 session with our academic writing specialist to seek advice from our experts on academic writing, English language. We help you in doing preliminary research on your topic. We know about the area of interest and the research done and polish the paper to make the paper up to the standards. At Ondezx, you can get all the publication assistance from experts who have knowledge in different domains. For queries consult our experts

Professional paper editing service offers - Step 2 | OndezxExperienced paper editors

Paper editors provide edits for sentence structure, academic style, and consistency and can see exactly what is improved in your paper. We have more than 50+ experienced journal experts who work on the basis of different journal templates to make your paper up to that standard. This increases the acceptance percentage of the paper. The normal publication time is about 12 months but in fast rack mode, this can be completed in 90 days.

Need any help you can contact us

Our paper formatting services provide publication-ready papers in your chosen journal’s specifications. We make changes in file type, resolution, color space, fonts, and layout to improve professional appearance. The manuscript will be in the standards of the particular journal needs. Revising the paper title, abstract, the main text can be changed by our experts. An unlimited number of questions about the formatting of your paper can be asked to our expert

Journal publication

Within 24 hours you will receive all the information about the journal process by e-mail. If the prices it is valuable for your journal, then, please

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