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Journal Paper

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Journal Paper

Journal paper writing/publication at Ondezx, we offer guaranteed journal paper writing and publication support services. In order to, We undertake amenities to write the whole content as per the International standard stipulations. We offer a journal paper writing facility joined with publication provisions like developing a cover letter, abstract, formatting the paper, preparing graphs and tables. Along with offering journal paper writing a publication service, we also strive to meet the probable time frame for the mission. Our amenities support publishing your research papers in the standard national and international journals like SCI, Scopus, and IEEE. ONDEZX works as the publisher of the best Journal Publisher in INDIA, our professionals allow you to publish your papers in well-known national and international papers such as SCI, Scopus, Elsevier, Springer, IEEE, Wiley, and more. As a service provider in journal publishing papers in Dubai, Sri Lanka, the UK, the US, and more. In All-around in INDIA like Kerala, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi and more.

What is Journal Paper


In Scholar Paper, Publication is a scholastic work that is generally distributed in a scholastic journal. It contains unique exploration results or audits existing outcomes you can publish your journal papers-like Springer, IEEE, Wiley, Elsevier, SCI, Scopus, and more. Publishing with Ondezx requires some tips first find out more about a journal, read more on preparing your paper, read more on how to submit and revise, in case of any problems contact the Support Center, read more about the article tracking service, read more on sharing your research.

Journal Paper Publication Procedure

Prepare Your Manuscript with good quality

Check your article whether it has plagiarism in software

Change your article to journal Format

Academic Resources for Journal Publication

Journal Submissions

Supporting for Journal


Effecting as apiece the policy outlined by the aim journal is a good number stubborn function of the investigate. On-time submission, revision, grammar error, plagiarism, etc., are the largest tricky field for journal publications. Hence with an experienced Journal Publication team of editors, having knowledge in assorted subject spaces, Ondezx's Journal Publication Support team tends to contribute to the targeted journal articles and manuscripts. Ondezx's Journal Publication Department Track Record: Impact Factor-8.050, Total Publication-5561, SCI Count-857, Satisfied Scholars-5012.


Normally, search engines should be published in a reputed journal in your field. Time is of the essence for finding patterns, and design takes a long time, i.e., months or years ago. Many educators are unsure when it comes to selecting a specific book for medical research, and they may be unaware of the exact formats to send a paper that could have been removed from the textbook. Online, all their work played Magazine printing is their way of publishing.


Our Service

Journal Selection
Pre-Submission Peer Review
Journal Submission
Revised/Rejected Paper Editing
Plagiarism Check
Substantive Editing
Manuscript Formatting and Artwork Editing Services

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Paper works



While publishing journals it matters where you are. IEEE, a source for researchers in academia, industry, and government. high-quality research is obtained by publishing with IEEE. leading journals, transactions, letters, and magazines in electrical engineering, computing, biotechnology, telecommunications, power and energy, and dozens of other technologies can be published in IEEE..


The modern publishing business founded in1880, specialized in the areas of science, health, and technology professionals. Supports increasing operational efficiency, turning information into actionable knowledge is what Elsevier specialized in. Elsevier's global business headquarters is in Amsterdam.


Scopus is launched in 2004 which is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database. Around 36,377 titles and about 11,678 publishers in the fields of life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. The three sources are, book series, journals, and trade journals. A review is conducted each year and standards are maintained. The quality measures are h-Index, Cite Score, SJR (SCImago Journal Rank), and SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper).


An American publishing company publishes academic journals and books. Fields of nursing, gerontology, psychology, social work, counseling, public health, and rehabilitation are focused on this. It was established in 1950 by Bernhard Springer. More than 2,900 journals and 300,000 books are published by springer. The information needed can be quickly found in this.


SSCI means Social Science Citation Index. More than 3000 Journals across 57 disciplines in social sciences. Journals are indexed by SCI and SSCI, described as the world's leading journals. This allows searching for articles by subject, author, and journal we can get ideas, innovation, or creative work with the help of Cited reference searching.


The Digital Library of IET holds more than 190,000 technical papers, magazines, books, conference publications. Highly cited journals. The topics of Software & Microsystems, Software Engineering Journal IEE Proceedings - Software. It is indexed by DBLP, EBSCO, Ei Compendex, IET Inspec, ProQuest, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E), SC Imago, and Scopus.

Anna unversity

Anna university annexure has both paid/unpaid, Local, and international journals. Journals can be published in the department of computer science, civil engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, management, food and technology, electronics and instrumentation engineering, Anna university annexure 1 conference 2024, etc. Publishing a journal at Anna university is a bit hard process as there should be less than 10% plagiarism.

Taylor & Francis

Easy to browse the needed data. Research papers from the world’s best thinkers are obtained here. These are published under the Routledge, Taylor & Francis, F1000 Research, Dove Press, and Cogent OA brands. The area of study in Arts, Behavioral Science, Bio- Science, Built Environment, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Earth Science. This is a single-destination platform. This is built on user feedback to access content, report, and analysis.

Wiley Blackwell

Wiley is a leading society publisher, over 8 million Articles from 1600 journals are available. Mostly published by International Scholars and professional Societies. The frequently covered titles are a full spectrum of life, Health, and Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. About 27 Wiley journals received top category rank. Wiley has long-term sustainability. The time from submission to publication is about 60 days for Full Articles.

World Scientific

An academic publisher of scientific, technical, and medical books and journals was founded in 1981 in Singapore. About 600 books and more than 150 journals are published Annually. Online publishing is from 1996, including e-journals, proceedings, e-books, and operates an online bookshop. The areas Studies, Business & Management, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics & Finance, Engineering/ Acoustics are covered under this. Published articles are fully peer-reviewed and are freely available online for everyone to access, read and download.


Open Access submissions are accepted in more than 350 journals offer access to a collection of 412 leading journals on various disciplines. Cambridge Journals are globally recognized for their quality, scope, and editorial integrity. A broad range of subjects is covered under the humanities, social sciences, and science, including anthropology, archaeology, area studies, art, astronomy, chemistry, classical studies, computer science, drama, and theatre, etc.

Inder Science publisher

An academic publisher based in Geneva, Switzerland which publishes 428 peer-reviewed journals. The fields of engineering and technology, Science management, public and business administration; environment, ecological economics, and sustainable development; computing, ICT, and internet/web services are concentrated here. The papers submitted are double-blind refereed. Conference papers can also be submitted for publication there is no existing copyrights issue.

Ondezx groups

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